Innovation strategies and practices

This research area includes projects that deal with the influence of innovation management practices on the innovative behavior of employees and a company’s ability to innovate. One example for such a practice that companies currently use widely is an innovation contest. In these contests, employees lead an innovation project over a short period of time. This research project analyzes which types of motivation contribute to ongoing participation by employees in the innovation competitions and thus contributes to the explanation of persistent, innovative behavior by employees. Researchers presented the first results of this project at several international conferences. A manuscript for submission to an international journal is currently under preparation.

Further early-stage projects are currently in the development process, such as a project that analyzes innovation management practices in Colombia. This project receives financial support from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). In 2019 Prof. Dr. Bönte and Prof. Dr. Rupietta spent research stays in Colombia to collaborate with their colleagues from the Universidad del Norte on the design of the interview guides and questionnaires for data collection.

This project area involves project partners from science and practice. We are currently collaborating with partners from the University of Zurich in Switzerland and the Universidad del Norte in Colombia.

Selected Publications and Work in Progress

Schulze, A., & Rupietta, C. (2021). What motivates employees to engage in entrepreneurial behavior? A set theoretic approach. (Working Paper, Universität Zürich).